Weekend warriors

I am so happy that I finally have a job that I love. Well, maybe not love, but I don’t mind it and I’m happy with where I’m at financially. I also happen to laugh a lot with my co-workers, and there isn’t (as of right now) someone I want to choke. So I consider myself blessed. Now, with this being said… I start my countdown for Friday afternoon at Sunday evening at around 8:00 pm. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum, so I daydream constantly about being able to get up, write a little, garden, workout, and then write a little more. AND GET PAID FOR IT. A good day for me is when the most dressed up I get is changing from sweatpants to yoga pants. Am I right? (haha, of course I’m right, we all know I’m rarely wrong).

Since Landon and I work our katushes off (is that even a word?), we are usually bone tired when we get home in the evenings. AKA: not a whole lot gets done around the house during the week. So Saturday morning it is on like donkey kong in the Baird house! Landon’s already been to the dump twice, kitchen cleaned, laundry notdonebutatleastintheprocess, bed made (thanks mom and Megan for showing me “how”), and now I’m sitting down for a second to do this. Are we the only ones who live this way? So crammed/jammed packed that it’s hard to just get life completed on a daily basis? We are currently assessing (aka getting rid of a lot of stuff because quite frankly we hate picking it up), and I have the highest of hopes that this takes away some of the stress.

On another note. I did get my camera upgrade that I was smelling in my previous post. A Nikon D3200. Um. Forseriously, it’s awesome. I have no freaking clue how to use it yet, but even taking a picture on the auto setting looks phenom. So, friends, family, people who I don’t know but thank you for reading, get ready for your close up (maybe not so much people I don’t know, but hey I can take your picture if you just ask!)! Prepare to be my muses. And for the ladies, no worries, I got photoshop as well. Wrinkles? What wrinkles? *wink wink*

This little warrior has a lot left to do today. I will be organizing closets and the office today. And when I figure out how, I will upload my before photos to the blog for you guys to see  just how far we have to go. Me and moo moo and d-bear (max and diesel) will go for a little stroll this afternoon, followed up by family times this evening. Whew!! I better get moving, I’ve got lots to do.

Love you all. Happy Easter : )

Here is a photo that I didn’t take of my new camera.



If I had a million dollars

Does anyone remember getting asked in high school the question “what would you do if you had a million dollars”? I do. And I still have the same answer today. I would be a writer. Those of you who are closest to me know that I obsessively hoard paper and pens. The most unusual thing about this is that most of the journals, pads, notebooks, and loose leaf paper I own are blank. I have always had a hard time getting started. Or as my so supportive and kind husband would put it “you have the attention span of a toddler”. Unfortunately, that is so true. It is, in my opinion, the worst trait I have (hey, I said in MY opinion). I am the most enthusiastic and intense person you will ever meet, for about… three days. Then, I’m off to the next idea, without ever even making headway on my last “absolutely perfect” project.

But I’m working on it. I am starting small. Seeing little projects through to the end.

So this is me. Being the writer I am destined to be. I want to write about what I enjoy the most. Being happy. Things that make me happy. Searching for the “ideal” life. Sound cheesy? It is. But I don’t care.

 I LOVE that each day is a new day, and you can always get another chance to be who you want to be. Isn’t this what life is all about? It’s about evolving. Becoming the best version of yourself.

Now.  Let’s go back to that worst trait thing. I have in my mind what I want my life to be like. What I wish I did. What I wish I weighed. What I wish I was good at. I just never stay focused long enough to accomplish any of it. So. This is me. Accomplishing the shit out of all of the above.

My happy life.

Another sidenote: My life rocks. This is about me tackling home life, hobbies, getting organized, writing, photography, weight loss, etc. Oh… I didn’t mention any of that in my preamble? Whoops. Add rambler to my second worst trait.

I don’t know where this will continue to go. Just hang with me. I promise to continue to see it through. I’m gathering my thoughts, shuffling my notes and ideas, and I’m getting started.

So. What would you do? Would your life be any different? What is it about taking away the necessity to make money that makes creating your ideal life attainable?

And now… off to make dinner. From start to finish my friends!

So much change

I hate that I am starting this post with the usual “hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted in a while” greeting. But alas, I’m sorry for not posting in a while. I do believe that my reason is a pretty good one, seeing that LB and I have MOOOOVVVEEDDD!!! Yes, we are now officially a one residence family again. I wouldn’t say that we are settled, but all of our stuff is at one location.

For those who don’t know, Landon and I bought my late grandmother’s house from my parents. It has been a long process, but it finally feels like our space. I know that nana has definitely left a feeling of love and coziness in these walls, and it is such a peaceful place for me. We got all of the floors put in, and I finally got around to ordering all of the thresholds for the doorways (ugh $179.00!!).

I am absolutely, 100% obsessed with this blog: http://www.younghouselove.com

I even got their book, which is full of fantastic, easy, DIY ideas that I am so certain I will get around to eventually ; ). This has, however, inspired me to post my process of updating, decorating, and most importantly, learning how to turn this cute little house into a home I L-O-V-E! Whoops, “we” love. I tend to forget that I have to get the approval of my other half.

For starters, I have got to get rid of some stuff. Landon and I thought we were so minimalist at our other house (which is mainly because we didn’t have any furniture). Wrong. Our garage is literally jammed packed so full that we cannot walk to get to anything in the back.

So, while I am doing my usual ADD thing and picking out lamps and vases, the monster in the garage is calling out to me. Before I can go nuts and buy everything my little heart desires, I have to get rid of some stuff. A lot of stuff. A WHOLE lot of stuff.

I need to get a new camera, so I can post pics of the progress. My current one is “meh”. I smell an excuse to upgrade electronics!

So, in summary: we have moved.  I love it. No, WE love it. I am overwhelmed and excited to start making my first home.

And a side note, I totally ordered this lamp, and Landon even approved. How quirky and fun is it?!!

Crab lamp on the way



Moved… sort of

Well Landon and I are finally living at our new residence. Thank the Lord!!! I was so motivated to type up a post, but right now, I am just too tired. I will post some pictures of what the floors and paint look like together. As well as what else I plan on doing to update it.

Weight loss: 7 pounds. How I have managed not to gained a ton of weight while doing this reno work is beyond me. I am currently cooking veal and sausage meatballs with spaghetti squash and a salad for dinner.

Love ya’ll. When I get my dining room table and chairs, I will have a family dinner here.

Happy V-day

Today, this year, I am my own valentine. Not that I don’t love my husband, because I do. But because it is a year I am going to love myself again. It’s been a tough year so far. But I refuse to live my life this way anymore.

So, something embarrasing. But since the only people who read this are bff’s and family, I will share. I totally boo hoo-d after finishing my first Jillian Michael’s workout today. I was just so proud of myself for not stopping when it got hard. It’s the first time in a long time. I want to get back to being a bad ass again. Lol. It felt good. I won’t quit this time.

Just thought I would share. I’ve had a good day. Love you all.

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of lent. I have decided to participate in lent this year, and have chosen to give up processed foods. This includes pretty much anything and everything I love. While I am not trying to make myself miserable, I need to learn to seek God to make me feel better, not a tub of ice cream. I am addicted to junk food. And I am going to break this cycle.

I bought a book called “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst about 6 months ago, but I never read it. I also bought the journal that goes with it, because we all know what a nut I am about paper. Anywhoo. Just to give you an idea of what the book is about, and how incredibly well it goes with what I am doing on my journey during lent, I am going to share with you the dedication.

“This book is dedicated to you, my friend. While I don’t know your name, God does. I believe he led you to pick up this book because He wants you to know your issues with food are not a curse but a gateway through which He can touch the rawest places of your heart and help you discover a deep satisfaction only He can give. Go ahead and dare to believe that this time around things will be different. ”


Wow. Nail. On. The. Head.

My goal is to lose 15 pounds by the end of lent, which is Easter. So that makes the time period 40 days. Please send me much encouragement. I set my standards high because I needed to. It’s all or nothing. Quite frankly, I’m sick of being fat. And hungry.

I will share more tomorrow. I have to clean tonight because we have to let “an outsider” in the house tomorrow to fix our heat.

Please and blessings.

What a surprise

This is a public service announcement: Tomorrow is my 28th brithday!

Okay. So you want to know what was pretty awesome about my day? First of all, I got to work early which equates to being able to leave earlier. Also, this afternoon, I had a few phone calls to make. First was to cancel the crappy 401k that my company offers, bc we are opening one elsewhere. And when I called and talked to the customer service rep, they were actually very nice, didn’t hassel me, and are promptly refunding me all of my money. I was SHOCKED. Second, I had to call Jillian Michael’s customer service reps because I paid a lot for her total body revolution dvd set… and absolutely not a single dvd works. They all read blank (or at least in the wii they do). I had to ask them if that mattered, because I don’t actually own just a dvd player. The guy was again, super nice, and is shipping me a whole new set tomorrow. And get this, I don’t even have to send back my other set! For all they know I could be a big fat liar! I’m sort of hoping that it is just a glitch and that I will have two working dvd sets, because then I can get someone else to do the torture with me!

I am always amazed at how a freshly vacuumed floor makes me feel calmer. I don’t know why it takes so long to dawn on me, but I am always so pleased when I vacuum. It’s the simple things in life, right?

I have a confession to make. I reactivated my facebook account for the sole purpose of allowing people to A. know it is my birthday tomorrow and to B. wish me a happy one. Pathetic I know. But I had to be honest!

I am currently reading “It’s all too much” by Peter Walsh. He reminds me of how much random crap I own, and how badly I need to get rid of so much of it. Why do I keep bread ties? And I am THE WORST (maybe besides nana, she had an entire section of her kitchen dedicated to this) at keeping owners manuals. I may need them one day! I have the owners manual for my food processor, my juicer, my wii,etc. Not needed (but maybe I should keep the one for the wii). Why do I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff?

Work is going good. One of the PTA’s that worked for me at Gallatin was hired to come in part time. It is so weird to look up and see her working there. While I really like her, it sort of shocks me, and makes me upset, and then I remember that I don’t work there anymore.. and that it’s all okay now. Sheesh.

Want to know what sucks about being fat and working with dementia patients? They constantly ask if you are pregnant, and then, because they have dementia, they forget that they have asked and that you said no… so they ask again. And again. And again. Talk about a horrible ground hog’s day moment!

Weight update: not really lost, but… not really gained. So that’s is a plus! I’m working on it. Ya’ll at least know I TRIED to do my dvds. It just didn’t work out for me.

Pray for Landon and I. All silliness aside, it has started off as a rough year for us for so far. I would appreciate it.

Peace an blessin’s.