If I had a million dollars

Does anyone remember getting asked in high school the question “what would you do if you had a million dollars”? I do. And I still have the same answer today. I would be a writer. Those of you who are closest to me know that I obsessively hoard paper and pens. The most unusual thing about this is that most of the journals, pads, notebooks, and loose leaf paper I own are blank. I have always had a hard time getting started. Or as my so supportive and kind husband would put it “you have the attention span of a toddler”. Unfortunately, that is so true. It is, in my opinion, the worst trait I have (hey, I said in MY opinion). I am the most enthusiastic and intense person you will ever meet, for about… three days. Then, I’m off to the next idea, without ever even making headway on my last “absolutely perfect” project.

But I’m working on it. I am starting small. Seeing little projects through to the end.

So this is me. Being the writer I am destined to be. I want to write about what I enjoy the most. Being happy. Things that make me happy. Searching for the “ideal” life. Sound cheesy? It is. But I don’t care.

 I LOVE that each day is a new day, and you can always get another chance to be who you want to be. Isn’t this what life is all about? It’s about evolving. Becoming the best version of yourself.

Now.  Let’s go back to that worst trait thing. I have in my mind what I want my life to be like. What I wish I did. What I wish I weighed. What I wish I was good at. I just never stay focused long enough to accomplish any of it. So. This is me. Accomplishing the shit out of all of the above.

My happy life.

Another sidenote: My life rocks. This is about me tackling home life, hobbies, getting organized, writing, photography, weight loss, etc. Oh… I didn’t mention any of that in my preamble? Whoops. Add rambler to my second worst trait.

I don’t know where this will continue to go. Just hang with me. I promise to continue to see it through. I’m gathering my thoughts, shuffling my notes and ideas, and I’m getting started.

So. What would you do? Would your life be any different? What is it about taking away the necessity to make money that makes creating your ideal life attainable?

And now… off to make dinner. From start to finish my friends!

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