So much change

I hate that I am starting this post with the usual “hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted in a while” greeting. But alas, I’m sorry for not posting in a while. I do believe that my reason is a pretty good one, seeing that LB and I have MOOOOVVVEEDDD!!! Yes, we are now officially a one residence family again. I wouldn’t say that we are settled, but all of our stuff is at one location.

For those who don’t know, Landon and I bought my late grandmother’s house from my parents. It has been a long process, but it finally feels like our space. I know that nana has definitely left a feeling of love and coziness in these walls, and it is such a peaceful place for me. We got all of the floors put in, and I finally got around to ordering all of the thresholds for the doorways (ugh $179.00!!).

I am absolutely, 100% obsessed with this blog:

I even got their book, which is full of fantastic, easy, DIY ideas that I am so certain I will get around to eventually ; ). This has, however, inspired me to post my process of updating, decorating, and most importantly, learning how to turn this cute little house into a home I L-O-V-E! Whoops, “we” love. I tend to forget that I have to get the approval of my other half.

For starters, I have got to get rid of some stuff. Landon and I thought we were so minimalist at our other house (which is mainly because we didn’t have any furniture). Wrong. Our garage is literally jammed packed so full that we cannot walk to get to anything in the back.

So, while I am doing my usual ADD thing and picking out lamps and vases, the monster in the garage is calling out to me. Before I can go nuts and buy everything my little heart desires, I have to get rid of some stuff. A lot of stuff. A WHOLE lot of stuff.

I need to get a new camera, so I can post pics of the progress. My current one is “meh”. I smell an excuse to upgrade electronics!

So, in summary: we have moved.  I love it. No, WE love it. I am overwhelmed and excited to start making my first home.

And a side note, I totally ordered this lamp, and Landon even approved. How quirky and fun is it?!!

Crab lamp on the way



2 thoughts on “So much change

  1. I can so relate to moving & a WHOLE lot of stuff. Unfortunately we moved ALL of our stuff from a crammed garage to a crammed attic. Oh me! One day, I will tackle the attic when I get over my fear of ladders….

    • Lol, that’s what husbands are for Amy! And if my memory serves me right, I think you have one ; ) Maybe we can start our own little club, that goes around to one home a month and completes a big project together. Ooooo, with wine. Because that helps in every situation!!

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